Southafricawithfriendstravel’s Weblog

April 14, 2020

#MtKilimanjaroCamping #FriendsTravelWestHollywoodCa90069 #JessKalinowsky

#MtKilimanjaroCamping #FriendsTravelWestHollywoodCa90069 #JessKalinowsky 

#PhotographicSafari of a lifetime #MtKilimanjaro is a massive mountain bordering several African  countries! 

“Here we are camping in the valley and getting a closer view of the mountain.  This climb is not for everyone as one must be physically fit to climb.  Even so, expect to get sick with headaches, shortness of breath and hypothermia.  Those who really want to climb are willing to suffer these discomforts.  When we finally reach the top, it will have been worth it!  I look out on the mountainside and I wonder how I made it tis far.  It was not as easy as I thought. 

Many times, I thought of turning around and returning to where I came from.  I never imagined it would be like this. 

I could hardly breathe!  I had to take it slow.  But, I wanted to climb Mt. Kilimanjaro.  I wanted to say that I had made it.

If I make it, I will have a story to recount my grandchildren and my family.  Before I go on, I take a nice deep breath!  I am nearly choking and trying to regain my composure.  I want to continue climbing.  I look around and I see the others in the group are having the same problem with breathing.  It is something I must endure so that I can continue on this trek.  It will get worse as I go on.  I cannot turn back.  I will NOT be a fool!” Kilimanjaro


Tanzania Camping on Mt. Kilimamjaro

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